FDA is full-speed ahead with rolling out the Food Safety Modernization Act (commonly referred to as “FSMA”). With FSMA, FDA seeks to overhaul the U.S. regime for food safety – from a regime that reacted to safety outbreaks to one that seeks to preventive them. A key...
Food Safety Modernization Act

How Will FDA Handle Food Imports: Effects of FDA Program Alignment and FSVP
The U.S. relies heavily on imported food to meet our demand for international cuisine and fresh produce year round. In 2011 we reported that 20% of the food Americans eat each year is imported (How Much of U.S. Food Is Imported?). At that time FDA was just beginning...
Immediate Enforcement Crackdown on FSVP? Not so Fast
UPDATE 01-29-2018 : The next compliance date is March 19, 2018 for most food importers (who purchase food from foreign suppliers with fewer than 500 FTEs) . FDA’s Foreign Supplier Verification Plan (FSVP) first implementation date was May 30, 2017, which had...

DUNS Numbers to Play Role in FSVP Compliance
UPDATE: Acceptable temporary Unique Facility Identifier FDA announced that FSVP Importers who do not yet have a DUNS number will be allowed to submit entries using "UNK" (unknown) following the May 30, 2017 compliance date. FDA is allowing this on a temporary basis...
What does Food Safety Modernization Act Mean to Animal Food?
The animal food industry experienced a sudden increase in the regulatory obligations in recent years. Through the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and its implemented regulations, food facilities must now operate under legally established current Good...
FDA Registration Renewal – Get Ahead of the Curve
Between October 1 and December 31 this year, all FDA-registered facilities must renew their registrations. Our team has handled registration renewal for hundreds of facilities. Here are some of our best tips for ensuring the renewal season goes smoothly. Medical...
There’s Always a Price to Pay – Food Industry Members Take Note
Since FY 2015, Congress has continuously raised the issue of inadequate border screening of food. Particularly, Congress has been concerned with designing an import control strategy that incorporates a comprehensive system of safeguard reviews, rather than solely...
Now, Back to our Regularly Scheduled Program: FSMA Compliance Dates Remain Largely Unchanged
UPDATE 07-07-2017: The next compliance date is in March 2018. Importers should spend this time developing the programs as it takes time to work with Foreign Suppliers to build a robust FSVP program. FDA recently published a Federal Register notice announcing delays...

FSVP: Requirements for Hazard Analysis, Risk Evaluation, and Supplier Compliance
UPDATE 07-07-2017: The next compliance date is in March 2018. Importers should spend this time developing the programs as it takes time to work with Foreign Suppliers to build a robust FSVP program. Importers, get ready: in May 2017, FDA will start enforcing its final...

Foreign Supplier Verification Program: Who Needs One?
FDA issued the final rule for the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) last week. This final rule is the first step in implementing the Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA’s) mandate that U.S. importers verify their foreign manufacturers’ compliance with...