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Benjamin England Presents on FSMA Time Bombs: The Sleeper Provisions in FSVP, Bioterrorism, Import Alerts, HARPC and International Trade

Jun 6, 2012 | Company News, Food, Food Safety Modernization Act, Law & Regulatory

FSMA Time Bombs Webinar Founder and CEO, Benjamin England, recently presented a webinar with FXConferences entitled “FSMA Time Bombs: The Sleeper Provisions and How to Prepare.”  This webinar addressed numerous provisions within the Food Safety Modernization Act that are not being widely discussed due to their comparative obscurity to the “big items.”  These “time bombs” will eventually “go off” as FSMA is implemented, regardless of whether the press or industry is ready for them.  According to Mr. England, FSMA time bombs are items within FSMA that:

  • Appear at face value as if they are not “headliners”
  • Use statutory language that is vague and imprecise
  • Are often ignored in the overall context of FDCA, the law being amended

“Companies are going to be caught off guard,” said England, commenting on some of the questions and reactions from his webinar.  “Everyone is talking about the big provisions but missing the fact that FSMA amends the FDCA and every letter must be read in the overall context of one fitting into the other.”  Mr. England addressed five specific time bombs, including when they might “go off,” how they might impact companies, and what business owners should do to prepare.  These five areas are: Bioterrorism and “national security,” the identity of the “foreign supplier,” international trade, FDA’s import alert powers and FSMA hazards and risks.

Click here to access the recorded webinar

Click here for more information on the Food Safety Modernization Act 

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