Conclusion on FDA, Swordfish, and Methyl Mercury

In April 2015, we commented on how FDA cancelled Import Alert 16-08 (Detention without Physical Examination of Swordfish for Methyl Mercury).  This alert instructed FDA to automatically detain all swordfish imports unless the manufacturer was on FDA’s Green List....

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Breakthrough in the Use of Symbols in Medical Device Labeling

Breakthrough in the Use of Symbols in Medical Device Labeling

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the final rule for using symbols in labeling of medical devices and certain biological products.[1] The rule will be effective mid-September 2016. Specifically, the new regulations allow symbols to “stand alone”, i.e.,...

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USDA Jurisdictional Transition over Catfish Imports Proceeds

As we’ve reported previously, the transition to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s regulation of catfish imports was briefly delayed. However, jurisdiction for catfish imports has been moved from FDA to USDA effective April 15, 2016. On that same day FDA removed...

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Dried Fish, Import Alert 16-74 & FDA

Dried Fish, Import Alert 16-74 & FDA

As a popular soup ingredient, dried fish is frequently imported to the United States – usually not eviscerated. Import Alert 16-74 is an Alert specifically focused on uneviscerated fish: the Alert instructs FDA’s compliance officers to detain (and ultimately refuse,...

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USDA Regulating Catfish: Imports Implementation Delayed

In late 2015 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued the final rule for transferring jurisdiction for catfish from FDA to USDA. Given the burden of the new regime, the Final Rule includes an 18-month transitional period. USDA had planned to begin the...

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Who‘s Who in FSVP: Importer, Foreign Supplier

Who‘s Who in FSVP: Importer, Foreign Supplier

Part 1 of this series discussed the first step of compliance with the Foreign Supplier Verification Program regulations: determining who needed an FSVP. In this blog, we will discuss identifying the key parties in FSVP: the “foreign supplier” and the “importer.” These...

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