Centers for Excellence and Expertise: AAEI Brings the First Look

At the American Association of Exporters and Importers’ recent seminar called “Partnering with OGAs on Risk Management and Globalization,” attendees discussed FDASIA, the U.S.-E.U. Mutual Recognition Agreement, and Good Importer Practices – all things one would expect...

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FDASIA’s Impact on Drug Imports: Give Feedback to FDA

The Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (“FDASIA”), which was signed into law on July 9, 2012, has serious consequences for the drug industry, particularly in the import/export sector.  Some of the changes upcoming from FDASIA include Increased...

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Successful Release of Detained Dates with Fenvalerate successfully obtained an FDA Release of an entry of dates which contained an adulterating pesticide, even though the law technically prohibits bringing foods adulterated with pesticides into the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency...

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Organic Products and GMOs – Oil and Water

USDA’s most recent installment in its series of blogs called Organic 101, which teaches readers about many different aspects of USDA Organic regulations, addresses the question of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Organic products.  For an establishment or...

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Success Story: Removal from Import Alert 99-29 again successfully obtained a Green Ticket for a manufacturer from Import Alert 99-29 (automatic detention of all vegetable protein products from China for melamine). The team of experienced regulatory professionals at understood the...

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Reflections from IFEX Philippines: A Bright Future

Ben England and Olivia Zuniga of, an international FDA consulting firm, had a fantastic experience attending and presenting at IFEX Philippines.  During the exhibition, Mr. England presented two expert trainings; on the first day, he spoke to industry...

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Rick Quinn Weighs in on Smithfield-Shuanghui Issues

The food industry is abuzz with the news that Chinese food giant Shuanghui International has announced its intent to purchase Smithfield Foods, America’s largest pork producer.  Because Shuanghui was involved in a food-safety scandal in China two years ago, some...

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