FDA Publishes Proposed HARPC Rules: Food Facilities Take Note!

On January 4, 2013, FDA published its proposed Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls (“HARPC”) regulations for food facilities, exactly one year after it was required to under the Food Safety Modernization Act (“FSMA”).  HARPC is a new set of food safety...

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Happy Holidays 2012 from the FDAImports.com Team

Wishing all of our friends, clients, partners and their families a wonderful holiday season! - Ben, Rick, Bill, John, Ryan, Celeste, Tom, Anne, Shelly, Eva, Anna, Jon, Graham, Amanda, Jenn and Alison *Please note that the offices of FDAImports and Benjamin L. England...

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Our Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2012

What a year!  A lot of water has gone under the regulatory bridge- from the Carbendazim issue with Brazilian OJ to the “pink slime” media fiasco to FSMA and Chinese imports.  Here are our top 10 most popular blog posts from 2012 (most popular first).  Thanks to...

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