Ben England in FDLI Update Magazine: Food Week Presentation on Quality Systems and FSMA Founder and CEO, Benjamin England, was featured in this month’s FDLI Update for his presentation during Food Week 2012 entitled, “How to Use Existing Quality Systems to Comply with FSMA Requirements.” Mr. England co-presented at the Food and Drug Law...
Overheard: The Best (and Worst) From Congressional Hearing on Cosmetic Safety
Below are some of our favorite quotes and exchanges from last week’s Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health hearing, “Examining the Current State of Cosmetics.” If you haven’t read our first blog about it please read that here. What follows below are some of the...
Cosmetics Back on the Chopping Block? FDA Wants User Fees, Cosmetic Registration in Light of Safety Fears
Last week the U. S. House of Representatives, Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, held a hearing entitled, “Examining the Current State of Cosmetics,” the first of its kind in decades, featuring panel testimonies and inquiry related to the overall safety of...
BPA Safe After All? Too Late Now, Thanks to FDA’s Slow Testing
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced last week that it will not ban BPA, the on-again off-again controversial chemical used in a variety of food packaging applications. This announcement from FDA is the most recent in a long string of protests, promises,...
Why Importers Miss Holiday Deadlines
Christmas. Easter. Halloween. If it’s a holiday then Americans are spending. A recent Journal of Commerce article, Imports Set to Surge, delivers growing import statistics and projects increased growth for coming months with the implication that retailers are...
Why the Port of Baltimore Rocks! (And Why You Should Ship Here) is located a mere 15 minutes from the Port of Baltimore, 30 minutes from FDA headquarters and 5 minutes from Route 95, the East Coast’s major interstate. With this proximity it seemed only fitting that we take a moment to highlight some of the...
Pandora’s (IT) Box at FDA
Technology is central to the success (or even existence) of FDA’s food tracking and tracing pilot currently underway as part of FSMA’s new authority grant to the Agency. If you have not read our first blog about the pilot conducted by FDA and IFT please read that...
Food Tracking & Tracing: Coming To a Supply Chain Near You (FSMA Update)
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently unveiled a new pilot program studying tracking and tracing technologies for high-risk foods. The pilot is contemplated in Sec. 204 of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), a legislative initiative aiming at reducing...
Are You Operating A High-Risk Facility? You Better Be Sure (FSMA Update)
In a recently updated Q/A section on the FDA’s FSMA web page, FDA attempts to clarify the impact of FSMA upon “High-Risk” food facilities. Essentially, FDA plans to utilize a database to identify the world’s High Risk Facilities and inspect them all every 3 years....
CDC Worried About Imported Food Safety? Fails To Factor in Volume of Imports, Reports are Meaningless
Imagine you’re a parent thinking about which private school to send your child to. You’re looking at School X and it seems like a great fit; it’s close, inexpensive, great teachers, etc… But as you peruse the school’s website you’re suddenly shocked to find a...