The Top 10 Food Safety Myths from the OJ Pesticide Scandal

Myth #1:  If FDA tests/rejects something then there must be a problem with it The FDA tests things all the time, even if there is not a problem with the shipment. The FDA uses Import Alerts, which are country or industry-wide notices that flag shipments due to prior...

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Orange Juice & Fungicide Residues Infographic

Sources • •

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How Are Orange Juice Brands Responding to the Fungicide Scare?

As Orange Juice speculation drives juice futures all over the map and consumers brace for spending more on Orange Juice than gasoline per gallon, one must ask, “How is Big Juice assuaging the masses with all of this concern over orange juice?”  As any cultural...

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FDA Unveils New Website and Blog, “FDA Voice”

The FDA recently unveiled a new makeover for its website,, and a brand new blog, “FDA Voice,” intended to provide more behind-the-scenes insight and commentary from FDA officials.  The rationale for the new look of the website is described by FDA...

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The Food Safety Modernization Act (Slideshow)

The Food Safety Modernization Act View more presentations from The recently enacted Food Safety Modernization Act is the greatest expansion of FDA’s food regulatory authority since the enactment in 1938 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. This...

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FSMA Stumbles Into 2012, Already Behind the 8-Ball

This month marks the 1-year anniversary of President Obama signing into law the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). One of the key implementation dates from the Act was January 4th, 2012, by when the following significant steps were to have been taken by FDA: •...

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Way to Go J.O. Alvarez!

We at want to congratulate J.O. Alvarez, Inc. (Customhouse brokers), which had “no accountable errors” during a December 2011 audit by FDA! The FDA’s audit evaluated the accuracy of J.O. Alvarez’s submissions for properly identifying products as non-FDA...

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