Orange Juice & Fungicide Residues Infographic
Sources • •
What’s the Harm in FDA Unnecessarily Testing Orange Juice (Or Anything)?
The FDA has implemented a “test and hold” policy for all incoming orange juice into the United States, looking for evidence (or not) of Carbendazim, a pesticide residue. Yet FDA clearly states that the EPA “has concluded that consumption of orange juice with...
How Are Orange Juice Brands Responding to the Fungicide Scare?
As Orange Juice speculation drives juice futures all over the map and consumers brace for spending more on Orange Juice than gasoline per gallon, one must ask, “How is Big Juice assuaging the masses with all of this concern over orange juice?” As any cultural...
FDA Cracks Down on Carbendazim in OJ but Ignores it in Other Foods, According to Former Regulatory Counsel
The FDA announced this week that it is implementing a “test and hold” policy for all imported shipments of orange juice to determine if they contain carbendazim (a fungicide, also called “MBC”). Under the law, a food cannot contain a pesticide residue unless the...
FDA Unveils New Website and Blog, “FDA Voice”
The FDA recently unveiled a new makeover for its website,, and a brand new blog, “FDA Voice,” intended to provide more behind-the-scenes insight and commentary from FDA officials. The rationale for the new look of the website is described by FDA...
The Food Safety Modernization Act (Slideshow)
The Food Safety Modernization Act View more presentations from The recently enacted Food Safety Modernization Act is the greatest expansion of FDA’s food regulatory authority since the enactment in 1938 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. This...
FSMA Stumbles Into 2012, Already Behind the 8-Ball
This month marks the 1-year anniversary of President Obama signing into law the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). One of the key implementation dates from the Act was January 4th, 2012, by when the following significant steps were to have been taken by FDA: •...
Way to Go J.O. Alvarez!
We at want to congratulate J.O. Alvarez, Inc. (Customhouse brokers), which had “no accountable errors” during a December 2011 audit by FDA! The FDA’s audit evaluated the accuracy of J.O. Alvarez’s submissions for properly identifying products as non-FDA...
FDA Smacks Santa Out of the Midnight Air
Why didn't your kids get what they wanted for Christmas? Why didn’t your tree have candy canes on it? What happened to your toy cosmetic kits, sunglasses, chocolates and candy? Answer: Your stuff was all detained at a U.S. port due to: Candy canes having undeclared...
Happy Holidays From
From our team to yours, happy holidays! From Ben, Rick, Bill, John, Anna, Anne, Eva, Jon, Ellen, Nikki, Graham and Chris